About sale and lease of a radiation source
The registration duty rests on the organisation owning or leasing a radiation source.Transaction involving sale or lease of a radiation source can be managed in EMS
Process for sale or lease is:
Get information about «EMS ID» for the room/placement the radiation source shall be allocated to in the buyers or lessee’s organisation
Find the relevant registration number – click the button «Edit» to the right in the display «My registrations» and select a new source state
If sold, two new fields will appear, 1) Question about the radiation source is sold outside Norway – if so it can be tagged here, 2) if sold in Norway a field with the text «Sold to (EMS ID)» appears and in this field quote or paste the identity for the room/placement (EMS ID) at the buyer or lessee. When EMS ID is stated and the cursor clicked outside the field the name and organisation for the stated EMS-ID will display automatically after the label «Sold to»
If lease, a field labeled «Leased to (EMS-ID)» and then similar as for sale above
Write relevant comments about the sale/lease and click « Save and submit»
Notification about sale/lease will be submitted to buyer/lessee and DSA
Buyer/lessee must accept or reject the purchase or lease to end the transaction and the DSA will process the action.