Creat registration
Registrations about radiation sources is created under the menu «My registrations»
Select the relevant room/placement for the registration – see overview on the left side
Click «Create new registration» and you will be routed to the page «Create new registration about»
Click on the relevant type of radiation source and select then the area of use and create the registration form by clicking «Select and create radiation form» and it will then be displayed
Fill in the datafields in the form – most are obligatory – some have dropdown lists with alternatives and if not found, write the information in the text field
Finish by «Save» if all information is not available for the moment, or «Save and Submit» If all is filled in and the registration is ready to be sent to DSA. A button to cancel the registration is also available
Registrations sent to DSA in shown in the table on the right side and is allocated a registration number, state values (colored symbols, showing its value when holding the cursor over the symbol), information about registration form, path to room/placement, and time of submission
Registrations can be moved, (or copied) but must first be marked by clicking the symbol □ on the left side in the table – after the node symbol
For each registration line in the table, key information is presented by a line in small font, to ease the recognition of the registration
Click the registration number for making a PDF-file with all data from the registration form
Click the node-symbol to see all transactions for the actual registration number
Copy registration – click «Edit» and then «Copy» and quote the number of copies in the pop-up window, and then click «Copy» in the same window. All copies listed in the registration table have a temporary registration number «TMP-XXXXX». This process can be suitable for creating many identical or similar registrations to DSA
All registration lines in the table have action buttons to the right for editing of deleting (regarding TMP-registrations).